Environmental Education and Research Centre (EERC)
EERC is an essential part of Sofia Zoo and represents the Zoo Educational Department . It is established in 1998, occupies a one-storey building close to the Zoo's pony exhibit consisting of lecture room (for about 30 people) with projection screen. The building is equipped with several inside and outside enclosures and keep animals suitable for educational purposes. The main goals and activities of The Environmental Education and Research Centre are: - Organize and conduct environmental education in Sofia Zoo. The center team creates unique programs and materials for the zoo environmental education work targeted to pupils and students; - Organize information campaigns related to different animal species aimed at the visitors in order to increase their knowledge about the wild nature and to build environmental awareness; - Participate in the process of scientific research at national and international level; provide help to pupils and students by assisting them with the scientific research (reports, diploma papers, etc.); - Coordinate the Zoo Volunteers Program. - Create all information materials in Sofia Zoo - species information plates, posters, photo archive etc.; - Work in cooperation with conservation NGOs, by co-organizing campaigns and educational activities at the Zoo; - Conduct and initiate projects related to nature conservation activities of the Zoo; - Organize and conduct education and training programs for zoo staff. - Work with organized school groups from 1st to 12th grade (max 30 children) during the school year (15 Sept - 31 May) from Monday to Friday. The condition is teachers to contact the Center at least one week in advance. The following activities are offered: - Multimedia presentations on various topics related to animals, ecology and the zoo inside the building;. - Environmental games in and around the center building. The activities are suitable for children over 7 years of age. The teachers who accompany them must stay with them and attend the lessons.